VW ID.7 Pro S1 travels 794km, exceeds official range by 85km

WOLFSBURG/ZURICH: Volkswagen is going through a bad patch now what with declining car sales and having to close some plants and setting itself up for a bitter fight with powerful unions.

But it has something to cheer about when it comes to the ID.7 Pro S1.

The all-electric car recently demonstrated an impressive range performance in Switzerland.

Led by project leader Felix Egolf, the Volkswagen team in Switzerland achieved a total distance of 794km on a single battery charge. The drive, conducted in normal daytime traffic, significantly surpassed the car's official WLTP range of 709km.

All-electric ID.7 Pro S covers 794 km on one battery charge

The net driving time was 15 hours and 42 minutes, with an average speed of 51 kph.

The journey took place on an 81-km circuit around Zug, featuring a variety of road types including highways and hilly sections, simulating everyday driving conditions.

Eight drivers took turns covering the total distance over two consecutive days. The vehicle consumed an average of just 10.3 kWh/100km, a figure much lower than the model's best WLTP consumption rating of 13.6 kWh/100km. This energy efficiency is equivalent to about 1.1 litres of diesel per 100km.

All-electric ID.7 Pro S covers 794 km on one battery charge

Although the ID.7 Pro S used in the test was not the most range-efficient model, it featured optional packages like Comfort, IQ.DRIVE assist, Plus exterior, and a heat pump.

These additions slightly reduced its range but did not impede the vehicle’s strong performance. The car ended the drive with only 2km of range remaining.

Egolf, a hypermiling expert known for energy-efficient driving, has set similar records in the past with Volkswagen's ID.3 model, covering up to 602km on a single charge across challenging terrain.


The ID.7 Pro S stands out for its aerodynamics, with a drag coefficient of 0.23, and efficient energy use, with a WLTP consumption of 16.2 to 13.6 kWh/100km, depending on configuration.

The car can charge quickly, adding 244km of range in just 10 minutes with 200 kW fast charging. The vehicle also features an electric vehicle route planner that optimises charging stops along the route.

All-electric ID.7 Pro S covers 794 km on one battery charge
Autos Volkswagen