JOHOR BARU: Despite constant warnings from the authorities, Johoreans still see foreign-registered vehicle drivers pumping subsidised RON95 fuel at petrol stations.
However, such sightings were less frequent of late, according to some of them, who attributed this to the fear of such actions going viral on social media.
Cafe supervisor Felicia Lee, 29, said she saw a Singapore-registered car pumping RON95 petrol at a station here some time back.
“I am sure vehicle owners, including Malaysians, are well aware of the rules. I do not understand why it is very difficult for them to abide by it.
“However, I believe it is less frequent now compared with maybe five or six years ago.
“Maybe it is the impact of social media. The offenders now know that they not only have to worry about enforcement officers but also just about anyone with a smartphone who can make photos and videos viral,” she said.
Haikal Ibrahim, 23, a cashier at a petrol station here, said that its workers had been keeping a close eye on foreign registered vehicles.
“There are a few workers stationed at the pumps to monitor vehicles. When the driver comes to the counter to pay for RON95 fuel, they will need to point to us their vehicle first.

“Some ask why, especially Malaysians in Singapore-registered cars, but once we say they are not allowed to pump subsidised fuel, they do not argue,” he said.
Bella, who works in a moneychanger kiosk at a popular petrol station among Singaporeans here, said she saw such offences happening frequently.
“It may not be as bad as before, but it is still common for me to see Singapore-registered cars pumping RON95 petrol here.
“This usually happens when there are many vehicles and the workers at the station may not notice them using their credit cards to pump the RON95 petrol,” she said.
Johor Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) director Lilis Saslinda Pornomo said the department received a total of 31 complaints about foreign-registered vehicles pumping subsidised RON95 petrol over the past two years.
“Johor KPDN issued a total of 26 compounds amounting to RM30,600 over that period. All cases involved Singapore-registered vehicles.
“In 2022, we attended to 14 cases with compounds totalling RM20,500.
“Last year, we issued 12 compounds amounting to RM10,100. There are four cases that are still under investigation,” she said when contacted.
Lilis said Johor KPDN has been monitoring the issue closely, with almost 4,000 checks conducted last year, adding that there were 200 enforcement officers conducting regular checks at petrol stations, especially those located close to the Singapore border.
She said those with information can call the government call centre at 03-8000 8000, the ministry call centre at 1800-886 800 or its enforcement command centre at 03-8882 6245/6088.
“They can also WhatsApp us at 019-279 4317 or email,” she added.
> This story was first published as The Star Exclusive