Govt further eases rule on passengers in cars

PETALING JAYA: Malaysians will be allowed to have the usual number of passengers in their cars according to the capacity of their respective vehicles beginning May 27, says Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

“Drivers are allowed to ferry passengers according to their respective vehicle capacity under the Road Transport Act 1987.

“For example, if the vehicle has a capacity of four passengers, then it’s one driver plus three passengers.

“For multi-purpose vehicles (MPVs), there can be one driver and six passengers, given there’s a capacity for seven passengers, ” he said in his daily briefing on the conditional movement control order (MCO) on Tuesday (May 26).

The new ruling will come into effect beginning Wednesday (May 27), added Ismail Sabri.

However, Ismail Sabri added that the conditions on travel remained the same, where the passengers of the said vehicle must be from the same home.

Ismail Sabri said this was based on amendments made under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act, which was gazetted by Putrajaya today.
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