Electrify America tackles long queues at EV fast charging stations

WASHINGTON: Electrify America, the largest open DC fast-charging network in the US, is launching a pilot program to reduce waiting times at 10 of its charging stations in California.

The idea is to limit vehicle charging to just 85% to help save time.

In practice, this means that when a vehicle reaches 85% of its full charge capacity, the session is automatically terminated, and the driver has 10 minutes to move the vehicle and vacate their space, or face additional charges.

It will not be possible to start a new charging session with a battery already 85% full.

The aim of the congestion-reduction pilot program is to reduce queues at certain high-use charging stations, enabling more people to recharge in a more timely manner.


In fact, the higher the charge level, the longer it takes to fill up the battery. It can take as long to recharge the last 15% as it does to go from 50% to 85% charge.

By adopting this new approach, EV drivers end up with a relatively full battery without having wasted too much time (or slowed down the others) at the charging station. What's more, recharging the battery to just 85% reduces the risk of overheating and extends its lifespan.

This trial at 10 stations in the Electrify America network will have observers on site at each one to assess progress in waiting times and gather feedback from users. These results will determine whether or not the pilot will be pursued.
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