A sea of options with one right answer: What to know about engine oil

BERLIN: A regular oil change is part and parcel of driving a car. But despite the large range of engine oils out there on the market, not every one is suitable for every car. How do you pick the right one?

Germany's Tuev Sued, a leading technical inspection agency, says that this is an instance where the vehicle's operating instructions are decisive. They should state which oil is prescribed for the engine and fulfils the manufacturer's minimum requirements, says Tuev Sued.

These days, almost all vehicle manufacturers have very specific requirements. In addition to lubricity, internal engine cleaning and seal compatibility are also taken into account in the choice of oil.

To keep the engine running for a long time, drivers should strictly adhere to the specifications and use only manufacturer-approved oil.

Modern engine oils are based on various base oils and mixtures. They also include additives that improve the properties of the oil and adapt it to the various requirements. However, the higher the proportion of additives, the higher the price and quality of the oil.

The operating instructions should also state which viscosity classes the manufacturer considers suitable. The corresponding value indicates the temperature application range of the engine oil.
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